User Experience (UX) Explained for Best Practice Website Creation

User Experience (UX) Explained for Best Practice Website Creation Elements of User Experience I watched a very informative YouTube video called The Elements of User Experience the creators name is “Mitchell Eva UX” and he is a lead UX and Digital Product designer. This video went through 5 layers in user experience that help one another when forming a product, the five layers are Strategy, Scope, Structure, Skeleton, and surface. Strategy Here you would define the reason for the product and who you are designing it for. You would ask yourself things like who are the users what their needs are and things of that nature and if it’s IFDS which stands for Innovative, Feasible, Desirable and Sustainable. Innovative meaning is it a new type of thing or a new way of doing the same thing, Feasible meaning do you have the time, money, and resources to even accomplish the goals required, Desirable meaning does it matter to user and will they want to use the end produc...