Choosing a UX Based Concept for your CMS

Choosing a UX Based Concept for your CMS

During this blog post I am going to discuss basic UX goals that I have researched and chosen to implement within my main website for CA2.


What I will build


The genre my website is going to be is on the entertainment side.


The result of this will be the showcasing of the latest video games and classic video games displayed on my site in an organised and fashionable way using all sorts of different ux features along the way.


My first type of ux feature I will use is a comment plugin that will deal with any spam users try to make towards the comments on the site and will not allow any vulgar language to be posted in the comments section on the site which is very helpful especially when we are talking about gaming and how people have strong opinions on things.


The second type of ux feature I will use is high quality images and videos around my site so different video games showcased will have image sliders and videos spread out among them and will be the best possible quality and resolution on the site.







Why I will build it


My motivation behind building this site is my passion and love for video games I want to show people the latest and greatest games while also showing them some great classics in the gaming scene scene in a way I kind of want my site to be a hall of fame for video games in the present and the past showcasing only the best of different genres in gaming I want my site to be user friendly and to have a smooth experience all around so anyone can enjoy the site and their time on it.



How I will build it


For a lot of my ux features I plan on using a bunch of plugins to achieve the features that I want and feel is needed for site for example on my site currently I have a plugin installed called Akismet Anti-Spam this will actually be one of the plugins that I will use for my site as it will stop a lot of spam comments being made on blogs 24/7 which is a very useful plug in to use and this is mainly how I’ll be implementing a lot of my ux features for my site during the creation of it and any I might need thereafter and I will also use themes on WordPress to make my site look presentable and have a nice designed look to it suiting the overall theme of gaming.





I enjoyed Samuel Carrolls blog that I read which here is the link to:

because he talks over using a ux feature for his logo implementation which is definitely something I am interested in and will be checking out as I want to make my site look as best as possible while also operating as best as possible.
